View the Leo Forecast for 2024: Work & Business


Jul 23 - Aug 22

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Leo Forecast for 2024: Work & Business

Because the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of every year in your work sector, the solar spotlight is always on work and job matters at the end and start of each year. However, while that is still the case, with Pluto's nearly 16 year visit coming to an end and Mars making his first visit in two years, things are going to be a lot more active while career matters that don't usually start to move until April will also be active from the start. This is a year where a huge amount is being packed into the first half of the year and that means being on your game from the start. That you start the year with the Sun and Pluto in your work sector is a given or at least since the planet of change and revolution returned in 2008.

The difference this year is that when the Sun leaves on 21st January so too will Pluto. The Sun will always return on the December solstice each year and while Pluto isn't gone for good, unlike the less than three months he was gone last year, apart from the 11 weeks that he will pop back in from 2nd September to 20th November to tie up loose ends, by the end of the year he will be gone and won't return again in our lifetime. This makes starting the year with Pluto here an ordinary event since his return in 2008 but as the last time this will happen, it comes with a need to be willing to embrace his call for change from the start. Helping with that will be Mars, who will return to your work sector from 5th January to 13th February, Mercury from 14th January to 5th February and Venus from 23rd January to 27th February.

This will leave your work sector empty for the first time since March 2023 and it will stay that way until Pluto returns on 2nd September, for his short 11 week visit to tie up loose ends. Pluto will be gone by the time the Sun returns in December but Venus' early return from 12th November to 7th December will capture the planet of change and revolution's final days here. Meanwhile, for the first time in 12 years, you also begin the year with Jupiter in your career sector and with your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade not running its course until he leaves on 26th May. The same planets that will assemble at the start of the year to empower Pluto's final days in your work sector then continue his legacy will do the same here, starting with the Sun's return to your career sector on 20th April and continuing until Mars leaves on 21st July.

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