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Jul 23 - Aug 22

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Leo horoscope for July 2024

As we move into the second half of the year the Sun and the faster planets have not only passed through the part of the sky where the major outer planets are located and are venturing into new territory and parts of your chart not active until now, they are also starting to spread out. In particular, at the same time that Venus and Mercury are starting to get out in front of and start to leave the Sun behind, the much slower Mars is dropping back and is now travelling over a part of the sky where they have already been. Mars will spend the first three weeks of July in your income sector and while the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have all been and gone, he is still fighting to exploit the income potential they have created.

By the time you move into the new month it has been 10 days since the Sun and two weeks since Venus and Mercury left your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking, while it has been four weeks since Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion began his 13 month visit. Until Mars joins Jupiter here on 21st July, apart from the Moon's visit from 3rd July to 5th July, he is on his own. Meanwhile, as is always the case, the Sun will spend the first three weeks of July in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, with the month long wind down of your old solar year underway.

For the first time in eight years, you also start the month with Mercury and Venus here, with Venus taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane while Mercury is giving you a chance to look back objectively. However, while the Sun won't return to Leo to begin your birthday month and new solar year until 22nd July, Mercury's return on 3rd July will begin the first planetary activity in your sign this year. Mercury returns with a chance to get your head in the game, ideas on the table and the communication lines open while Venus will return on 12th July to start looking at what you want from your new solar year, 10 days before it is due to begin.

Love & Romance

With Pluto in retrograde motion in your relationship sector and Venus, the planet of love in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart until 12th July, there is a lot of focus on the past on both the romantic and relationship fronts. While the nostalgic trip down love's memory lane that the Moon is taking your heart on will end when Venus returns to Leo, Pluto will remain in retrograde motion until retrograding back out in September. Since returning with the Sun in January, Pluto has had nothing but support and while he will retrograde back out for 11 weeks, when he returns the planet of change and transformation will be here until 2044.

This makes this the start of a long journey, but having Jupiter in your friendship sector until June 2025 and the South Node in your communication sector all year is providing ongoing support. However, Pluto will face his first challenge since his return in January when Mercury returns to Leo on 3rd July and moves into opposition. Pluto had spent just over three months here in 2023 and just before retrograding back out, Venus and Mars had moved into opposition. However, back then Pluto was just dipping his toe in the water and the real journey had yet to begin.

That journey is now well underway, but while the clash between Mercury and Pluto might put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test, as the planet of communication he is the perfect planet to break the ice. For when Venus returns to Leo on 12th July and the Sun on 22nd July, they will do the same. It is during Venus' early days in Leo that the Moon's return to your romantic sector from 17th July to 19th July will make these the most romantically charged days of the month. Fortunately, slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn early next month, Mercury won't leave Leo until 26th July. The Moon will be in your relationship sector when the Sun returns to begin your birthday month and new solar year, with a chance to be emotionally engaged and aware from the start.

Business & Career

As you move into the new month there is still a lot of unfinished business on the job and career fronts, at a time of year when things should have dialled back to a point where planets across the income, work and career fronts were quietly keeping the momentum going. Jupiter's departure from your career sector in May brought his 12 month quest for job growth and expansion to a close and with the Sun, Venus and Mercury having moved through since then, this should all be behind you. Uranus is here until 2026 but he is playing a long game, meaning things should be dialling back on the career front.

At the same time, while the dwarf planet Ceres is in your career sector until December and she too is playing a long game, one that is more focused on your professional needs and priorities, a Full Moon last month has energised things on the career front. Again, this is behind you on the career front there should be nothing more of note. Except on both the job and career fronts that is not the case, for until Mars leaves your work sector on 21st July, the busiest weeks of the year are still in front of you as he fights to exploit the potential Jupiter has created.

At the same time, while this year's Full Moon in your career sector was last month, when the Moon returns from 19th July to 21st July, for the first time in two decades it will create a second Full Moon, this time just as Mars is about to leave. While the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment is quietly keeping things on track on the income front and connected with what is happening professionally, by the time Mercury returns to your income sector on 26th July to begin the most lucrative months of 2024, things will finally have settled on the job and career fronts. This is when you will be ready to exploit the income potential this has created. Meanwhile, having the Moon in your career sector until 3rd July and then returning again from 28th July to 30th July will ensure you begin and end the month with your professional instincts sharp while emotionally and intuitively engaged.


There is a changing of the guard or a turning of the tide when it comes to the dynamics of this financial year, as the balance of power not so much shifts but undergoes a definite change. Until now, while you have had the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your income sector and this has helped to provide some kind of balance, the balance of power has been on the other side of the financial fence. Saturn and Neptune are spending the whole of 2024 in your financial sector, giving you the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn financial dreams into reality.

However, after some active months on the financial fronts, both are ready to step back and after Saturn's retrograde turn on 30th June, when Neptune turns retrograde on 2nd July this will put them and money matters into review mode. Juno, who had spent months in retrograde motion earlier in the year is back in direct motion and while money matters go into review mode, as you look back on money matters it allows you to look forward when it comes to income matters. To start with this is the only change, but the real shift will come when Mercury returns to your income sector on 26th July.

As well as returning with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet, this is the start of the most active months of the year on the income front. Along with the Sun and Venus' return over the coming months, this won't just be a chance to look forward but to move things forward. With changes on both sides of the financial fence, the Moon's return to your income sector from 10th July to 12th July and to your financial sector from 24th July to 26th July will be a valuable chance to check in. The latter will be the Moon's first visit since Saturn and Neptune's retrograde turn while squeezing this in before Mercury returns to your income sector.


Thanks to a friendly aspect between Mars and the dwarf planet Ceres in your health sector on 1st July, the month gets off to a good start, thanks to the motivation this can bring and a better understanding of your health needs and priorities. This comes seven days after the Moon not only left your health sector but wrapped up the first of two Full Moon in the space of just four weeks. This is giving you time to learn from the lessons last month's Full Moon might have delivered before when moving through your health sector again from 19th July to 21st July the Moon will create a rare second Full Moon. This will be an opportunity for a do over, knowing by then what you didn't four weeks earlier.

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