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Jul 23 - Aug 22

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Leo Weekly horoscope for Jul 22 to Jul 28, 2024

The Sun's return to Leo on Monday is the point in each year when your birthday month and new solar year begins but with a strong sense of change in the air from the start. As if scrambling to get into position before the doors open to this new solar year, it is just as the Sun returns that a busy 24 hours in the heavens ends. It began with Mars' departure from your career sector on Sunday, right in the heart of a Full Moon that was energising things across the income, work and career fronts. With the Moon and Mars gone the momentum this created will continue, but without as much effort required. Instead, by the time the Sun returns to Leo Mars will be in his first full day in your friendship sector and thanks to the Moon and a friendly aspect to Pluto in your relationship sector, a powerful six weeks for personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building has begun. Meanwhile, the Sun will return to find that with Venus and Mercury already in Leo, you already have heart and head in the game and on the same page.

Love & Romance

While the Moon left your romantic sector on Friday as the only visit while Venus, the planet of love is in Leo, the impact from these romantically charged lunar vibes could have long term implications. Venus is here to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year and while the focus shifts more towards your relationships this week, this has given the spirit of romance a boost at the right time. In the meantime, the Moon not only begins the week in your relationship sector but is here when the Sun returns to Leo on Monday to begin your birthday month and new solar year. While the week begins with Mars, in his first full day in your friendship sector at a friendly aspect to Pluto in your relationship sector, it will be a different story for the Sun. Like Venus and Mercury who returned earlier in the month, the Sun's early days will be spent clashed with Pluto in your relationship sector, putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight from the start. With Mercury, the planet of communication not leaving Leo until Friday, he is on hand to keep the communication lines open.

Business & Career

As you move into the new working week there is not only a chance to pause, but for the first few days there might even be a feeling of being stunned as you try and process what just happened. What just happened was not only the weekend's Full Moon in your work sector but just as Mars' departure from your career sector ended what has been a relentless push from the moment you moved into the New Year. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion had been in your career sector since May 2023 but had just ended a four month retrograde phase on New Year's Eve. New Year's Day was Jupiter's first full day in direct motion and from the start and until leaving in May, his quest for professional growth and expansion was underway. Jupiter left two months ago, but it was just 14 days later that Mars returned to piggyback off and continue this quest for professional growth and expansion. That push only ended on Sunday, just as a Full Moon was energising things across the income, work and career fronts.


At the same time that the weekend's Full Moon in your work sector just as Mars was leaving your career sector has given the income side of the financial fence a boost, before leaving an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart and returning to Leo on Monday, the Sun will spend its final hours at a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune in your financial sector. This will leave you with a new sense of confidence on both sides of the financial fence, just as the focus is about to shift more to the income side. While the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment has been in your income sector all year, all she can do is keep you committed and foster a sense of resolve. Instead, on the other side of the financial fence Saturn and Neptune, some of the largest planets in the solar system have held the balance of power. They are now both in retrograde motion and while the Moon's return from Wednesday to Friday will be a chance to check in on money matters, it is just as it leaves that Mercury's return to your income sector will begin the most active months of the year on the income side of the financial fence.


Because the Moon only left your health sector on Sunday and as this was the second Full Moon here in just four weeks, this is something that you are still unpacking and processing. This is a Full Moon that will always fall at some point during the month long wind down of your old solar year and as the Sun and Moon clash this can put your physical and emotional resources to the test. This year there were two Full Moons and those wakeup calls will still be fresh in your mind when the Sun returns to Leo to begin your birthday month and new solar year on Monday.

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