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Aquarius horoscope for September 2024

When Pluto, the planet of change and transformation returned to Aquarius in March 2023, it was for the first time in nearly 250 years and the start of a journey towards self discovery, change and transformation. However, this is also something that is not going to happen overnight and less than three months later, he retrograded back out again. Pluto returned in January but on 2nd September he will do it again, retrograding back out and taking a break but this time after over seven months planting the seeds of change and even rebellion. This time Pluto will only be gone for 11 weeks but when he returns in November it will be to spend the next 20 years here, with no more breaks.

Until then, this gives you a chance to take a break from reinventing the wheel and also to process the journey so far. While Pluto is in this transition phase, where he hasn't committed to his stay in Aquarius, but he is testing the waters, you have a chance to try things on for size and while he is gone, reflect on the kind of changes that you might want to make when he returns. If Pluto's final days in Aquarius are anything to go by, this could include a heavy focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence.

Partly because of the influence that Mars has had during his six week stay in a playful and creative part of your chart, partly because Jupiter will still be there when Pluto returns in November and partly because of Venus' return to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery. Venus only returned at the end of last month but having moved into a friendly aspect to Pluto that is still separating when he leaves on 2nd September, this is putting a lot of focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence from the start. This will remain the case but not as pronounced as it is during the early days of the month, with Mars' return to your work sector not only kicking off a busy few months but the start of an unfolding of potential across the income, work and career fronts over the course of September.

Love & Romance

On both the romantic and relationship fronts there are planets leaving and while in one case this will leave you with no planetary support, unlike most years that won't remain the case for the rest of the year. This takes away any urgency, however don't tell Mercury and Mars that, who as you move into the new month and are working to make their final days in your romantic and relationship sectors count. The more urgent is Mars, with the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos knowing that once he leaves your romantic sector on 5th September he won't be back for another two years. However, with Jupiter staying on and this lucky year for love not running its course until June 2025, Mars is here to stoke the initial flames.

Even after Mars leaves with Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart until 23rd September, the spirit of romance and adventure will remain well supported. That will be especially so when Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck move into a tight alliance on 15th/16th September in order to work their combined magic. By then Mars will be gone and so too will the urgency, making it more about the romantic journey that you will be on for the rest of the year and until Jupiter leaves your romantic sector in June 2025. Meanwhile, knowing that when he leaves your relationship sector on 9th September, he will leave it empty, Mercury does have more urgency.

This will leave your relationship sector empty and the planet of communication will be on a mission to get the communication lines open, but not only will he leave behind planets in your communication sector that can keep them open and especially when it comes to giving the past and unsaid words a voice, but Mars will return to your relationship sector in November. With the Moon in your relationship sector until 2nd September, this is a chance to start the month emotionally engaged and aware. The Moon will come full circle from 27th September to 29th September, while its return to your romantic sector from 22nd September to 24th September will be some of the most romantically charged days of the month. Especially with Venus leaving an adventurous part of your chart on 23rd September.

Business & Career

It might be business as usual as you move into the new month, but this is one month where what it says on the box is not what you will ultimately end up getting, with the reality a lot more exciting and that includes across the income, work and career fronts. With no planetary activity in your work sector since the Sun left your work sector in July, none usually expected until he comes full circle next year and not returning to your career sector until later next month, this is one of the quietest points in any professional year. That is still the case as you move into the new month, with nothing to suggest that everything is about to change and this professional year is about to get its second wind.

It begins with Mars' return to your work sector on 5th September, something that is going to fire things up on the job front as he kicks off what can be the busiest six weeks of any year. However, while Mars will normally spend just six weeks firing up your work passions, fighting and competitive spirit as well as a drive to make things happen, he is already starting to slow down ahead of a retrograde turn and will be here for two months before leaving in November. That retrograde turn will see Mars return in the New Year to spend another three months here, making this the start of his longest visit in three decades.

Two days later the Moon will return to your career sector from 7th September to 9th September, something that will see it sharpen your professional instincts, form a friendly aspect to Mars and to both planets in your income sector. For a few days, this will bring things together across the income, work and career fronts but in a way that is a taste of things to come. On 23rd September, a month before the Sun will return, Venus who last year didn't return until December, will make an early return. By the time Venus returns to begin the first planetary activity on the career front this year, Mars will be firing things up on the job front while a Full Moon on 18th September will have energised things on the income front as well.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of September in your financial sector, the solar spotlight is always on your financial situation and money matters at this time of year. This year, instead of the beginning of all planetary focus on your financial situation and money matters, this is the end of something that has been going on all year. Rarely is there any planetary activity on this side of the financial fence throughout the year, unlike the continuous planetary activity on the income front since Neptune returned in 2012. However, the asteroid Juno's return in October 2023 changed that.

While only a small player in terms of size, as the queen of commitment Juno's 10 month visit, which only ended last month has kept the resolve from last year alive. Meanwhile Venus, who last year didn't return to your financial sector until October left late last month, with her financial wish list for the coming year banked. While Mercury also left last month, he left by retrograding back out and now back in direct motion, he will return for a second time from 9th September to 26th September. However, with the Sun leaving on 23rd September, once Mercury leaves this will leave your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have empty.

However, the Moon's return from 2nd September to 4th September as a New Moon and with Mercury's smart head for money to draw on for the majority of the month, this will not only be a good month for money matters but with a chance to tie up loose ends. Meanwhile, while on the other side of the financial fence Saturn and Neptune are in retrograde motion in your income sector and will be until later in the year, even before the Moon returns from 16th September to 18th September as a Full Moon, Mars' return to your work sector on 5th September will have a big impact. By the time Venus, the planet of money returns to your career sector on 23rd September, things will be rocking across the income, work and career fronts.


Mars' return to your health sector on 5th September comes at a point in the year when all planetary activity on the health front for the year should have and did run its course. By the time the Sun left in July, Venus and Mercury had already moved through and since then it has only been the Moon's monthly visits. Normally it would stay that way until the Sun comes around next year, but instead Mars returns to begin a whole new chapter. This time it is less about being aware of making smart choices, for you know how to do that and instead, is a chance to become more physically active. You will get a better read on this and on what your body is telling you when the Moon moves through your health sector from 25th September to 27th September.

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