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Feb 19 - Mar 20

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Pisces Weekly horoscope for Oct 21 to Oct 27, 2024

What a difference a few days can make and especially on both sides of the financial fence. Just days after clashing as a Full Moon, the week begins with the Sun and Moon back in harmony and with the Sun leaving your financial sector on Wednesday, where last week's Full Moon and other tensions between planets on the income and financial fronts may have created financial tension, this will be turning into motivation. At the same time, on the other side of the financial fence, in her first full week in your career sector Venus, the planet of money is teaming up with forces in your income sector in order to capitalise on last week's Full Moon there. The Sun's departure from your financial sector on Wednesday will further reduce any financial tension while the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment will stay on until the end of next week to tie up loose ends. Meanwhile, this will see the Sun not only join Mercury in an adventurous part of your chart but just as Mars has moved into his final two weeks in a playful and creative part.

Love & Romance

While the Moon's return to your relationship sector over the weekend will be a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware, even then the focus this week is on matters of the heart and all things romantic. It begins on Monday when moving into his final 14 days in your romantic sector Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is becoming determined to fire up your romantic passions and fighting spirit. Knowing that he will leave early next month but then return in the New Year to spend another three months here, Mars is also planting seeds for the future. Helping to give the spirit of romance a serious boost will be the Moon's return to your romantic sector from Tuesday to Thursday, with the Moon here for its last visit before Mars leaves when the Sun returns to an adventurous part of your chart on Wednesday. After Venus, the planet of love left last week, this will add fuel to a mix of romance, passion and adventure that has been brewing for weeks.

Business & Career

With Mars just two weeks away from your work sector and the start of the busiest months of the year, as Venus settles into her first full week in your career sector, she is the first step in the powering up of this professional year. Long after all planetary activity on the job front for the year should have run its course and long before the Sun is due to turn the solar spotlight onto your career situation and matters later next month, Venus and Mars are defying the odds and the general flow the professional year will normally take. When Mars returns to your work sector, he will normally spend six weeks firing up your work passions, fighting and competitive spirit, but instead, a retrograde turn will keep him here for the rest of the year. Meanwhile, when Mercury returns to your work sector later next week for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit, a retrograde turn will keep him here for the rest of the year as well. You will get a taste of things to come and the impact that this will have on the income, work and career fronts when the Moon returns to your work sector on Thursday.


What a difference a few days can make. While it was last week's Full Moon in your income sector and its clash with the Sun in your financial sector that may have created some financial tension, planets on both sides of the financial fence had been at odds for several weeks. It is just as you move into the new week that this is just starting to drop back, but positive conditions will already be turning this into motivation on both sides of the financial fence. Just days after clashing as a Full Moon, the week will begin with the Sun and Moon not only back in harmony but in a way that will bring lucky Jupiter into the loop. With the Sun leaving your financial sector on Wednesday, this will fuel your financial confidence and imagination in these critical final days. At the same time, it is in the heart of not just the working week but Venus, the planet of money's first full week in your career sector that her friendly aspect with the North Node in your income sector will peak.


On the one hand, when the Moon returns to your health sector on Thursday it will be to begin its ordinary monthly visit and the chance that you get every four weeks to check in with what your body is telling you. On the other hand, by the time the Moon returns Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will be just 10 days away from the start of his longest visit to your health sector in over a decade. When Mars returns, he will want to get you moving, with the Moon able to give you a heads up to where this might draw your attention.

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