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Feb 19 - Mar 20

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Pisces Weekly horoscope for Sep 30 to Oct 6, 2024

As you move into the new week, there will not only be a lot to take in on both sides of the financial fence but with a lot of things falling into place. On the one hand, it was the Moon's friendly aspect to both planets in your income sector before leaving your work sector on Monday that has not only left you with a better read on income and job matters but with hints to major developments in just a few weeks. At the same time, you not only begin the week with the Sun and Mercury aligned in your financial sector but in the lead up to Thursday's eclipsing New Moon. With every planet that will return to your financial sector this year, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have either here now or having already moved through, this gives you everything needed to draw a confident line in the sand when the eclipsing New Moon gives money matters the green light. Meanwhile Mars, Venus and Saturn are joining forces to fire up the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence.

Love & Romance

When the Sun left your financial sector last Monday this took the solar spotlight off your relationships but with Mercury, the planet of communication staying on to focus on having the communication lines open. It was three days later when Mercury left, that this ended all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year, though not before they both spent their final days at a friendly aspect to Uranus in your communication sector. With Uranus not only staying on in your communication sector but not leaving until 2026, this has left the communication lines in safe hands. While this brought all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year to an end, starting the week with the Moon here is a chance to remain emotionally engaged and aware. Meanwhile, as Venus moves into her second week in an adventurous part of your chart, she is not only drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Mars in your romantic sector that will peak next week, but both are getting some serious support.

Business & Career

While the Moon left your work sector over the weekend, as it only left on Sunday and as this was the first visit since Mercury left, leaving it empty, you will still be unpacking a download of information as you move into the new working week. As well as giving you an intuitive read on work and job matters and ensuring you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware from the start, as always, the Moon spent its final hours at a friendly aspect to both planets in your income sector. This has also left you with a better sense of where the money is, along with something else. That something else might be hard to define at first, but as your subconscious sifts through a download of information and your over the horizon radar becomes sharper, you will find that there are clues to some major shifts ahead on the income, work and career fronts that are going to make the final months of this professional year the most exciting.


The week not only begins with the Sun and Mercury aligned in your financial sector but just as they are crossing the lunar nodes. Venus, the planet of money did the same when she moved through your financial sector, though as she got a bird's eye view of both sides of the financial fence her focus was on the opportunities that could be exploited on both sides. The Sun is looking at the interplay between money coming in and money going out more objectively while Mercury's smart head for money is helping you make sense of what you see. By the time the Moon returns to your financial sector on Wednesday to begin the lead up to Thursday's eclipsing New Moon, you should have the insight and understanding needed to seize the opportunity this will be to draw a major new line in the sand. Meanwhile, with the Moon having spent its final hours before leaving your work sector on Sunday at a friendly aspect to both planets in your income sector, there is a chance to move into the new working week with an intuitive read on income and job matters from the start.


While the Moon left your health sector on Sunday, this not only allows you to move into the new week aware of what your body is telling you from the start, but you will still be unpacking a download of information, insights and messages. While this was an ordinary monthly visit, this last visit since Mercury left, ending all planetary activity in your health sector until Mars returns in early November, this was a valuable chance to check in and regroup. This was also a chance to reflect on and learn from the journey the last few months have taken you and your body on.

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