The Moon returns to your work sector every four weeks and when it does, it will form a friendly aspect to the long term planets in your career sector as it passes through. This makes today's awareness and insight on the job and career fronts and even the Moon's ability to act as a trigger an ordinary event. It is the timing that makes this significant, with the asteroid Juno in her early days in your work sector and Venus refusing to leave your career sector. Over the coming weeks they will form a tight bond and with Mars two days away from turning direct and from starting his trek back to your income sector, the timing couldn't be better.
While the Moon and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment both left your romantic sector over recent days, this was not goodbye for ...
Planetary Work HoroscopeWhile apart from its friendly aspect to Venus in your career sector yesterday, the Moon's friendly aspect to the other two planets there as ...