
2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957

Rooster Weekly Horoscope: Feb 17, 2025 to Feb 23, 2025While in the last full week of the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Tiger life will be keeping you busy, either at work or with whatever it is that keeps you busy and occupies your time, with the Moon in its waning phase this will be more manageable. It was as last week's Full Moon peaked that so too did the Tiger's influence. Where in the lead up to the Full Moon it was about having as many things on the go and as many options on the table as possible, you can now afford to be more selective. As the Moon continues to wane, it becomes more about efficiency than how much you can pack into each day. You will find that you are less busy and more productive, as you focus on finishing rather than starting tasks.
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