
2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955

Goat Weekly Horoscope: Mar 10, 2025 to Mar 16, 2025Knowing that the competitive and professionally charged month of the Dragon is just around the corner and that as the Year of the Dragon only ended in January, there will be a lot for this to piggyback off, making the most of the final weeks of the adventurous and spontaneous month of the Rabbit couldn't be more important. While it is not until Friday's eclipsing Full Moon that you will reach the halfway point of the month of the Rabbit, with the month of the Dragon set to begin 14 days later on an eclipsing New Moon, this gives you time to put some guardrails in place. Helping to embrace the Rabbit's influence is starting the week under a Goat Moon, with the two the best of friends.

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